Wie auf der Kickstarter Seite von Carnivale of Monsters zu sehen ist, hat AMIGO Spiele den Kickstarter am 30.10.17 gegen 17 Uhr abgebrochen. Im Kickstarter-Update schreibt AMIGO:
Hey folks,
thank you very much for the trust you put into our idea and thanks a lot for all your comments and feedback.
We decided to stop the campaign at this point.
We always knew that our campaign would not be a walk in the park and it turned out, that at least with that assumption, we were not wrong. ;) With some other assumptions, we obviously were pretty off.
We did mistakes and we know it.
We will use the coming weeks to carefully read all your comments and feedback again and think about how to proceed from here.
Thank you very much again for your help. We will keep you posted.
Signing off for now,
Bernd Keller
AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH
Der größte Fehler war meiner Meinung nach das zu hoch angesetzte Finanzierungsziel. Ich bin Mal gespannt, was AMIGO an der Kampagne ändern wird. Auf jeden Fall kann man davon ausgehen, dass sie so wie sie jetzt ist, nicht erfolgreich gewesen wäre.
Quelle: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1908084827/richard-garfields-carnival-of-monsters/posts/2029618